Muscle Gaining Secrets by Jason Farrugia Exposes the Fitness Lies Muscle Gaining Secrets Reviews of Jason Ferruggia’s Workout Program have been popping all over the internet due to the great success of the program
Jason Ferruggia’s Workout Program !
Muscle Gaining Secrets Exposes the Fitness Lies ! have been popping all over the internet due to the great success of the program
Anyway, here are five reasons you’re not building muscle like you want to...
Reason #1: You’re Ignoring the Law of Progressive Overload
Reason #2: You’re Not Training With Enough Frequency
Reason #3: You’re Training With Too Much Volume
Reason #4: You Don’t Have a Proven Plan to Follow
Reason #5: You Never Cycle Your Training

Unfortunately, the way you’re training right now is robbing your body of 90% of the muscle gains you should be making.

But it’s NOT your fault.

You’ve been lied to. By supplement companies, bodybuilding mags and clueless personal trainers.

If ever there was a hardgainer who was genetically cursed it’s me. After my first FIVE YEARS of training I weighed a whopping 147 pounds at six feet tall. And I had a potbelly to go with my ten inch guns!

What girl wants to be with a dude she can pick up and throw across the room?

And what guy is gonna show respect to a little skinny-fat pencil neck like me?

But finally I discovered the truth about training and, after many years of painstaking research and experimentation, I’ve developed a system that packs muscle on even the skinniest, most genetically cursed hardgainers around.

Over the last 18 years I’ve used this system to achieve lightning fast results with more than 700 athletes from over 120 NCAA, NFL, NHL, and MLB organizations; Hollywood stars and armed forces members, and thousands of regular skinny guys and hardgainers just like you…

Gained 23 Pounds & Got Absolutely Ripped

“Jay, I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. My entire life has moved on to the next level and I feel like I owe it all to you. You’ve provided me with so much determination it can’t be expressed in words. I gained 23 lbs of mass and lost an equal amount of body-fat using your program!”
Kyle Matthews


Went From a Skinny 169 Pounds to a Jacked 203!

“When I first started following Muscle Gaining Secrets I weighed 169. Today I’m a lean 192 pounds, can squat 365, deadlift 435 and bench press 300, respectively. By following all of his advice on nutrition, training and recovery to the letter I was able to make size and strength gains that I would’ve never imagined possible.”

Brian Eskow


Got Jacked, Chiseled & Stronger Than Ever

“I’m in the best shape of my life, because of your program. My goals: be about 210 but jacked and chiseled, able to deadlift 550, squat 400, and do a body-up or one armed pull up. Currently I deadlift around 490 & squat 405. Before picture is how I have looked for the last 4 years. After picture is due Muscle Gaining Secrets.”

Geoff C. Morehart


Introducing Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0:
The Ultimate 90 Day Skinny-to-Jacked Transformation Plan
Here’s Just a Small Sample of The Secrets You’ll Discover
How to break through any frustrating muscle building plateau… Even if you been stuck at the same size for years.
“The 7 Anabolic Factors” that must be utilized in order to ensure rapid muscle growth. Unfortunately, most guys only use 3 or 4 of them.
Why your current workout isn’t thoroughly activating all of your different types of muscle fibers… And how a few simple adjustments will allow you to fully stimulate every untapped fiber, literally forcing your body to grow.
The BEST rep range for skinny hardgainers who want to build massive amounts of muscle. Training out of this range is a waste of time.
Why traditional cardio methods suck and what REALLY works for getting ripped.
And much, much more…
To find out more about Muscle Gaining Secrets & Jason Farrugia visit
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